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The art of deduction tumblr

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I am by no means going away so look out for more blog entries soon! I am going back to the long ones!! That excites me so I hope it excites you! I don’t have many readers but I’d rather have a few people engaged who enjoy this and are dedicated to training themselves than hundreds of people who just read to read and don’t actually apply things. I am so glad people enjoy this and that is why I don’t intend to stop blogging all together. It also includes you guys in my training group.) Every time you approach me and say that you read my blog and comment and enjoy it, it makes me smile. (Yes that includes you my few, only about two really, friends who I have made over the internet that I talk to on a regular basis because we are just that good of friends that no matter that there is half-a-world between us, we still talk all the time. I am especially thankful to the friends that I have from my actual real life that read this blog.

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I appreciate all of you who read! I have made friends through this blog as well as come across opportunities I don’t think would have happened otherwise. I hope all of you will still read and will understand that this was a difficult decision! However, for the past few months, it has been doing the opposite and worked toward taking away from my own training rather than encouraging it. It did sort of turn into lessons for a deductionist to follow over time, but that is okay because that still helps me train.

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That purpose being to help me continue my own training during my busy schedule. This was a difficult decision to make as I do love this blog and it has served its original purpose for me for a long time. I think in order to properly relay information and helpful tips to you, I need to get back to enjoying writing this blog as much as I hope you enjoy reading it. I woke up dreading writing and that was never the point of this blog. I had intentions of getting to the 100th blog entry before I ended my regular blogging but as I woke up this morning to write this blog I realized that this had to be it. I want to stress that this decision, although it may seem sudden, has been something on my mind for the past several months. This will hopefully also have an effect of giving you guys useful information to use as well as letting you see what I am doing in training if you want to essentially copy me, which I don’t mind. I intend to incorporate what I will be working on in my own training into the future blog topics somehow so I am not taking away from what I am trying to do. I have been giving you shorter and shorter blogs as of late and doing this will also give me the opportunity to give you more informative and longer blogs when I do write. I haven’t worked out a schedule yet and don’t know if I will even get around to that or if I will just post whenever I feel like it but I will aim for once a month, if not more than that. I mentioned above that I still intend to post, and I do. So, what does this mean for the blog in the future? I have found my own abilities in aspects of training which used to be more advanced, slipping, because I have not been consistently keeping up and I want to have the time and energy to change that. It is also taking away from my own training because instead of training myself, I am putting effort into blog topics and preparation. I am committed to so many different things currently that planning and sitting down to write these blogs each week has become something I dread doing instead of the thing I used to enjoy. Simply, I am overstretching myself way too thin. Next, I want to explain why I am ending my weekly blogging. I do have a few messages on tumblr that I need to respond to and I see them, I promise, I just haven’t had the chance to respond yet.

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Secondly, I will still be active on these platforms, and even more so on my instagram where I will be catching it up with posts about previous blogs so if you have questions or still want the resources I have offered in my little disclaimer below, feel free to contact me at the following:Įmail: I do not see your message right away, I will still get around to responding. First off, I am by no means shutting down the blog all together, I still intend to write at least once a month, if not more. What I am doing is bringing my regular scheduled blogging to an end. Most of you are probably wondering what I am doing with this blog, it was meant to be the next training blog and I’ve been very ominous with the title.

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